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African Critical Metals, Minerals and Mining Conference (AC3MC)
London, United Kingdom
28th November -1st December 2023

Miners and Investors Connect (MIC)


Mines and Money Exhibition (Premium)

Visit the Mines and Money website to browse the opportunites, and exhibition benefits including pre arranged one on one meetings with investors. Mines and Money events can help you connect with a global audience of qualified mining investors.

Miners and Investors Connect Exhibition

Exhibition opportunity at the Miners and Investors Connect Exhibition room and meet interested investors to discuss your project 

Mines and Money Conferences Attendance

Have full access to MM side events and Conferences. Use this link to see the scheduled activities.

AC3MC Access

Have full access to the African Critical Metals, Minerals and Mining Conference Sessions

Pre-Event Meeting in Abuja, Nigeria

 Attend a pre-event session with experts in the mining sector. Discussions scheduled to take place includesWhat Drives the Appetite of the International Investor?​, ESG’s Role in Getting Projects Off the Ground & Out of the GroundHow to be attractive to investors, 

Standards and Regulations, Responsible Mining and   investiment opportunities. Prepare to meet investors.

Minerals Samples Shipping for Exhibition

Richflood facilitates this process and ensures your samples gets to be seen with the investors at both MM and MIC exhibition stands. This is done in line with relevant regulations.

Mines Compliance Audit Slot

Inclusive in this package is the environmental regulations compliance audit executed for one project/site in any location in Africa

Site Enrolment on the Richflood Minerals Miners Page

Get visibility advantage on our website after the conferences and exhibition events. Our website is got a high rate of investors visit. Get called upon with increased credibility

Laboratory Testing for a sample from Mine

Miners seeking investors can add certificates of analysis to their exhibition slots to increase data availability for the proposed mine or ongoing mining operation. This can be in addition to exploration reports. Visit the Richflood Geolab to drop samples 2 months before event  

Four (4) Scheduled Meetings with Expert Investors

At least 4 scheduled meetings with both institutional and retail investors from various countries such as: Canada, Australia, Europe, North America and South America.

Company Presentation

Your company's presentation available for all attendees to view during and post the event with concierge assistance to arrange a personal schedule of video meetings.

Investor insights of the exploration and junior markets

Alongside the Mining Spotlights and the ever-popular Pitch Battles, the SW Investment Theatre will feature investor insights of the exploration and junior markets, including:  Commodities, Investing & Financing Critical Minerals' Independence, What Drives the Appetite of the International Investor? ESG’s Role etc

Category 1: Premium Exhibitions.
Very Limited Slots

Miners and Investors Connect Exhibition

Exhibition opportunity at the Miners and Investors Connect Exhibition room and meet interested investors to discuss your project 

AC3MC Access

Have full access to the African Critical Metals, Minerals and Mining Conference Sessions

Minerals Samples Shipping for Exhibition

Richflood facilitates this process and ensures your samples gets to be seen with the investors at both MM and MIC exhibition stands. This is done in line with relevant regulations.

Pre-Event Meeting in Abuja, Nigeria

 Attend a pre-event session with experts in the mining sector. Discussions scheduled to take place includesWhat Drives the Appetite of the International Investor?​, ESG’s Role in Getting Projects Off the Ground & Out of the GroundHow to be attractive to investors, 

Standards and Regulations, Responsible Mining and   investiment opportunities. 

Site Enrolment on the Richflood Minerals Miners Page

Get visibility advantage on our website after the conferences and exhibition events. Our website is got a high rate of investors visit. Get called upon with increased credibility

Mines Compliance Audit Slot

Inclusive in this package is the environmental regulations compliance audit executed for one project/site in any location in Africa

Laboratory Testing for a sample from Mine

Miners seeking investors can add certificates of analysis to their exhibition slots to increase data availability for the proposed mine or ongoing mining operation. This can be in addition to exploration reports. Visit the Richflood Geolab to drop samples 2 months before event  



Company Presentation

Your company's presentation available for all attendees to view during and post the event with concierge assistance to arrange a personal schedule of video meetings.

Category 2: MIC Exhibition Options.
Limited Slots

Click to Register

Delegate Pass

Access to Keynote Presentations and Technical Presentations Papers from MIC and assistance by the Richflood team to help with organization structures and standards for sustainable and responsible mining projects. 



AC3MC Access

Have full access to the African Critical Metals, Minerals and Mining Conference Sessions

Attend Selected Event

Attend selected events and meet investors and miners from around the globe

Site Enrolment on the Richflood Minerals Miners Page


Company Presentation

Your company's presentation available for all attendees to view during and post the event with concierge assistance to arrange a personal schedule of video meetings.

Mines Compliance Audit Slot

Inclusive in this package is the environmental regulations compliance audit executed for one project/site in any location in Africa.

This is a desktop service. It excludes statutory fees payable to government. 



Category 3: Delegate for AC3MC.

Category 5: Delegate Pass for MM and AC3MC
Limited Slots

Click to Register



Delegate Pass 

Keynote Presentations, Mining Corporate Presentations, Pitch Battles, Accees to exhibitor company profiles, Delegate networking receptions, Exhibition floor, Tea, coffee and lunch.

AC3MC Access

Have full access to the African Critical Metals, Minerals and Mining Conference (AC3MC) Sessions

Category 6: Client representation

Client Representation by Richflood Minerals

Required; Mineral title/License and viability reports (ESIA, CDA, EPRP evidences, site geological and laboratory reports or exploration reports if available, statement of Investor category needed by miner on company letterhead, complimentary card of MD CEO. Contact Richflood to meet this requirements if it is unavailable or if you need any assistance. 



Access to online meeting platform

Option is recommended if client is not able to make it to London. Upload of client documents to Richflood Minerals site for visibility.



Category 7: Client Representation with Samples
Limited Slots

Click to Register

Client Representation & Sample Presentation by Richflood Minerals

Required; Mineral title/License and viability reports (ESIA, CDA, EPRP evidences, site geological and laboratory reports or exploration reports if available, statement of Investor category needed by miner on company letterhead, complimentary card of MD CEO



Sample of Minerals from Site

Required; Mineral title/License and viability reports (ESIA, CDA, EPRP evidences, site geological and laboratory reports or exploration reports if available, statement of Investor category needed by miner on company letterhead, complimentary card of MD CEO




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